Yuriandy starts a travel agency for the disabled: “There is no good information at the moment and that is really necessary”

Yuriandy Martina would love to start a travel agency for disabled people. The 28-year-old Zaankanter is very fond of travelling, but often comes home from a rude awakening. Due to his illness, he is dependent on a wheelchair. This is rarely taken into account in bookings, even though he specifically asks about it every time.

On holiday in Bradford (Great Britain).

In his spacious apartment, the wheelchair is put aside and he sits comfortably on the couch. Two laptops within reach. He shows the sites of various travel agencies. “At all sites you can tick ‘suitable for the disabled’. Only then you don’t know anything yet because no extra information is provided. For example: How wide is the hallway? Is there an elevator and is it big enough for a wheelchair? Can you with your wheelchair to the toilet or shower?” All relevant information for someone who is dependent on a wheelchair.

Yuriandy has Cerebral Palsy (CP) or cerebral palsy, “I was deprived of oxygen when I was born.” As a result, the communication between the brain and the control of the muscles is disrupted. This has an effect on talking and moving. “I can stand and walk a bit.”

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In the desert near Dubai.

Yuriandy has a lot of experience with traveling and encountered all kinds of obstacles. In London there turned out to be no lift and he had to struggle up the stairs to his room. The wheelchair was left in the lobby. In Rome the elevator was too narrow and there was a bath instead of a shower. And in Dubai there were only stairs. Fortunately, there was still one room available on the ground floor. “The staff is usually very friendly and eager to help. They are often not informed.”

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On a cruise.

Yuriandy came to the Netherlands from Curaçao at the age of 18 to study. He is now working on his final thesis for the Hogeschool van Haarlem where he studies business administration. His thesis is also about accessible travel for everyone. “I want to collect as much specific data as possible so that my future customers can make a good choice and not be faced with unpleasant surprises.” Initially about the holiday accommodations, but later also the accessibility of outings, restaurants and sights.

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On Curacao. Willemstad.

To start his travel agency, he needs initial capital. “To make my dream come true, I am with a collection started to pay for the formation costs.

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