Yu Yu, from anorexia to a new song

THEThe success came in an overwhelming and sudden way, but in the life of Yu Yu there’s something else too. L’anorexiaa attempted suicidethe disappearance from the world of entertainment and a new life complete with escape to Ibizia. The singer of Mon petit boy And Bonjour bonjour (real name Giuditta Guizzetti, 47 years old) is about to return to the music scene with a new song. And she has many, many things to tell. As you reveal in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

Music as an anti-stress: this is how it acts on the mind

Yu Yu, the success of Giuditta Guizzetti

The year was 2002 when Yu Yu topped the charts with hits that have never been forgotten. TV programs competed to have her among the guests. Daughter of a Parisian mother and a Bergamo father, she was a hostess when, in 2001, her life changed radically.

«A friend asked me to record a speech for the launch of a nightclub, while I was recording in the studio, Pippo Landro from New Music International arrived. Just in case: can you also sing? I picked up the guitar and played I’m crazy by Pino Daniele” he tells al Courier. Then it arrives Mon petit boy. The song was chosen for an advert with Eva Herzigova. And it happened immediately.

From anorexia to attempted suicide

Then the decline. “I was a butterfly that became a caterpillar.” After Bonjour bonjour, another very successful song, the subsequent songs did not find success with the public and critics. In 2005 she began to get sick by eating less and less. «I weighed 36 kilos and was 1.72 cm” He says. «Little by little the self-styled friends disappeared. Suddenly I was no longer worth it. I spent my time not eating without being seen by others. “I’m here even if I’m disappearing”. It was a desperate cry, it took me years to realize it.”

Then the decision to end it by attempting suicide. «I decide that I don’t want to see anyone again. I take everything I have in the house to sleep, I drink alcohol. I don’t wake up the next morning. My mother, Marie, had a premonition: I wasn’t answering the phone and she ran to me. The firefighters arrived to get me out.”

The help of Maurizio Costanzo

In the most difficult moment of her life it was Maurizio Costanzo who helped her. «I entered the Center for Eating Disorders in Todi, Umbria: the recommendation was from Maurizio Costanzo» he reveals. The famous presenter, in fact, had invited her on TV, had sensed her uneasiness and her support and closeness (“We often wrote to each other” she says) was fundamental in being able to accept, first and foremost, then fight anorexia.

It was Costanzo himself who introduced her to the doctor who helped her on her recovery journey. And Costanzo always encouraged her in writing the book The spoon is a cradlein which she talks about her experience with anorexia.

Anorexia and the cutting of funds to fight eating disorders

In Todi, Yu Yu spent four months of his life. «They re-educated me, like a newborn. Food was not the enemy. I spent a lot of time at the table, I was slow in eating, but there were many activities: I went crazy for knitting. Small rediscovered joys.” A fundamental path for her recovery and that the singer sees again in the light of recent cut in funding for centers dedicated to eating disorders. «An error. The pain you experience is so great that you need all the help you can get» he says without mincing words.

Yu Yu’s return to the music scene

Today Yu Yu is a different woman. She has become a mother of two children and is ready to return to the music scene. «I just recorded a piece in the recording studio in Milan where the 2002 album was born. I can’t say much but it will still be in French». A return that his fans have been waiting for for a long time. But it has a different flavor: «It will go as it will go, it may be successful or not. I’m just happy to have recovered something I love.”

