Ysäri’s trend regrets Charlize Theron: “My recovery is in progress”

The beauty trend of the nineties still worries actress Charlize Theron.

Charlize Theron is a 48-year-old Oscar-winning actress. PDO

Actor Charlize Theron tells In Style magazine, which of the 90s beauty trends still impresses.

– Thin eyebrows. My recovery is still in progress, says the actor.

For some reason, thin eyebrows were all the rage in the 90s.

The Oscar-winning Theron said in an interview with Allure last month that she is now just happy with the changes her age has brought.

– My face changes. “I love that my face is aging,” Theron said.

He told how many people thought he had a face lift

– They ask “what has he done to his face”. I’m just getting old! It doesn’t mean I’ve had botched cosmetic surgery. This just happens naturally, Theron said.

Charlize Theron still regrets this eyebrow style. Photo from 1998. PDO

Charlize Theron has won the best supporting actress Oscar in her career in 2003. Pisti fire Monster – Aileen Wuornos from the movie where Theron played serial killer Aileen Wuorno.
