Ypres is already under the spell of street theater festival De Winged City

Ypres is already under the spell of street theater festival De Winged City

The Winged City is organized at three locations: the center of the city with the Grote Markt, the Colaertplein near the station and the fortifications.

This year is a festive edition, because it is the twentieth Winged City. The focus of the organizers is on artists and organizers, because they are a promotional festival for street arts: in addition to theatre, circus and acrobatics, there is also music, dance, puppet theatre, installations and fire. Belgian and foreign artists – professionals, semi-professionals and amateurs alike – play there primarily for organizers and promoters of all kinds of events at home and abroad. They have been specially and personally invited. The artists perform for free and also pay their own transport costs.

Organizer Jan Victoor: “The hope of a breakthrough or multiple contracts in Western Europe brings the artists to Ypres. Out of more than 300 applications from groups, 63 were ultimately selected. They come from 14 different countries. In addition to Belgium and our neighboring countries, these include Guinea, Greece, Ukraine, Finland, Brazil and even Taiwan.”
