Youtube: Ads are changing

Annoying ads become more effective.

Many watch videos on Youtube. Colourbox

YouTube, the video service owned by Google, is changing its advertising methods. The service tells on his blogthat the banner ads appearing on the side of the page will be removed on April 6.

In the future, according to the service, it is intended to offer more effective advertising means that engage the user more. From this, one could assume that ads interrupting videos will be even more annoying.

The change is justified as improving the user experience. The advertisements on the side of the page are visible only to computer users. According to YouTube, banner ads are a nuisance to users.

Get rid of ads

Iltalehti previously reported on the gimmick, when the ads in the videos disappear. However, the gimmick doesn’t seem to work anymore.

Ad blocker Adblocker use is useful for YouTube users if they browse the video service from their computer and do not want to see ads in the videos. However, the ad blocker app does not work for mobile users.

The most effective way to get rid of ads would seem to be the only subscription to paid YouTube Premium.
