“Your clothes are way too tight!”

Mariëlle Tweebeeke gets quite a scolding from Jan Uriot, the star journalist of Privé. He doesn’t like her styling and is also annoyed by her pen. “I’m not into her.”


Jan Uriot and Marc-Marie Huijbregts have a podcast in which they hand out report marks to TV programs and Nieuwsuur is also next in one of the episodes. The star journalist of Privé gives the news section only a 6, because he is completely annoyed by presenter Mariëlle Tweebeeke.

Miss Pennewip

He is a terrible person, says Jan. “Oh, I don’t like that woman. No not at all. What irritates me terribly is that that woman always has to have something in her hand. She always has – just notice – a pen in her hand. And so is she. Miss Pennewip. But she never writes anything down!”

He continues: “She starts the broadcast with a card in her hand, but she never looks at that card. Then I think: that lady must always have something in hand and it is very strange if people always have to have something in hand. And she is one of those. I think the show is actually made by Jeroen Overbeeke (Overbeek, ed.), right there.”

Three sentences

Co-host Marc-Marie Huijbregts thinks Mariëlle is good. “First of all, let me say in defense of Mariëlle Tweebeeke: that she has that ticket in her hand, in case the autocue stops.”

Jan: “You can remember three sentences, can’t you? When that autocue is off, can’t you just continue to improvise?”

Marc-Marie: “And with all due respect, I also understand that it is nice to have something in your hand. I also have a pen in my hand all the time. There’s something nice about that.”

Tight pack

Jan is also annoyed by Mariëlle’s styling, especially the outfit in the photo above. “What struck me about Mrs Tweebeeke: she was wearing a very tight suit. You could see it pulling up a lot in her armpits, at the belly, but also at the pants.”

You can see a lot then, Jan wants to say. “When she stood, when she started… It all took off. Then I think: put on some more space. The shoes were good by the way, the heels were perfect.”

Report mark 6

Jan has no problem with Jeroen Overbeek. “It always looks neat.”

Marc-Marie: “It looks big, but it is very small. That’s a funny fact, isn’t it?”

What is Jan’s score for Nieuwsuur? “I give it a 6 and that’s because I don’t like that woman. That thing with that pen and tight clothes and stuff.”
