Youp van ‘t Hek is annoyed by ‘howling’ during Anouk’s wedding

Youp van ‘t Hek finds it a bit sad that the visitors of the wedding concert Anouk started to cry when she was married. “Isn’t that a bit of emotion inflation?”

© RTL, Instagram

Anouk got married a month ago in front of about 40 thousand fans on the Malieveld, where she gave a concert. It was quite a media spectacle; the photos were sold to Vogue. Not everyone thought that was chic; for example, concertgoer Sandra Schuurhof complained about the wedding.

Emotion inflation

Many people thought it was a beautiful event and many also had to shed a tear when Anouk was married. Comedian Youp van ‘t Hek thinks that’s unbelievable.

Youp thinks it’s all very exaggerated. “I understood from the newspaper that many visitors were deeply moved and the tears let go. Isn’t that a bit of emotion inflation?” VARAguide


It’s a bit sad, Youp thinks. “I understand that a mother, mother-in-law, sister or best friend starts to cry, but as a lover of the music of the brand new bride I think it is a bit exaggerated.”

That Anouk married in front of 40,000 fans, Youp cynically calls an ‘intimate party’. “After two failed marriages, I would like to do something different. A town hall like this gets really boring. Then you are ready for another wallpaper.”
