Youp van ‘t Hek fillets ‘grabbing money’ Winston Gerschtanowitz

In his column, Youp van ‘t Hek really makes mincemeat of Winston Gerschtanowitz. He calls him a ‘grabbing money grabber’ and his ATM EarthToday a ‘criminal organization’.


Winston Gerschtanowitz has hated it on many people now that Quote has exposed his ‘charity’ EarthToday as a profit machine of gigantic proportions. Youp van ‘t Hek’s famous column in NRC today is all about ‘our SBS marble king Winston’. And it’s not all nice.

Huge Profits

Now that Winston and his group of friends have been exposed, he admits they should have been clearer about the construction behind EarthToday. By telling in advance that all those noble people who transfer money to save nature are eventually used to generate huge profits for the founders, for example.

It is completely unclear to Youp why that profit element is included at all. “The rest is for EarthToday. Why? I do not know. I would donate the full amount directly to the tadpoles. Or to bird protectors, ditch cleaners or weed keepers. But nobody needs to earn from my gift, right?”

eyes full of fear

Winston’s performance in Eva Jinek’s talk show did not convince Youp. “During his muddled speech, fear burst from his eyes and he actually went down immediately by calling himself ‘integer’. A masterly schwalbe in the first minute. Winston turned deeper and deeper into the muck during his defense.”

Winston tried to straighten everything out, but according to Youp, that failed miserably. He points out that Winston ‘magisterically abused our national conscience Jan Terlouw’ and that they forgot to tell him ‘that he and a pack of founders would become filthy rich from this downright filthy construction’.


According to Youp, it is depressing that people try to become extremely rich from people with good intentions. “Can you be gloomy about these kinds of shameless revenue models? Yes that is allowed.”

Youp cynically suggests starting an organization with the aim of satisfying the hunger of tens of millions of Africans ‘by asking twelve euros per child’. “A tenner for the poor and that I then get two euros per child myself? And that I then have wonderful holidays with that money?”

Youps column

Youp’s column:
