Youp van ‘t Hek congratulates Angela de Jong with ‘brutal executioner’ Matthijs

Youp van ‘t Hek strongly disapproves that Matthijs van Nieuwkerk has behaved like a ‘brutal executioner’, but at the same time denounces the eagerness with which the presenter is being flared.


According to Youp van ‘t Hek, it is a great shame how Matthijs van Nieuwkerk has misbehaved for years behind the scenes of De Wereld Draait Door. He already wrote a column about it in NRC and is now taking it up a notch in club magazine VARAgids. He also describes the presenter as an executioner.

Ruthless executioner

Youp first makes it clear that he was not part of the DWDD furniture. The comedian speaks of ‘North Korean situations in a program where I was a guest now and then’.

“So while Marc-Marie called my columns a literary masterpiece and Matthijs confirmed this with his words ringing and his brows furrowing, terrified editors sat shivering behind the scenes, waiting for the ruthless executioner to enter the office with his strict mistress Dieuwke Wynia” , he writes.

Brutal presenter

It is clear that Matthijs and Dieuwke did not exactly spare the editors of DWDD. “Each one of them got buckets of verbal shit thrown over them,” Youp writes. “After which they all had to cry for mercy on their knees. At that moment I was drinking beer with the other guests. I am ashamed afterwards.”

He sympathizes with the victims. “Do I feel sorry for the editors who have suffered mentally for years under the reign of terror of the brutal presenter and spend the rest of their lives with a psych with PTSD? a resounding yes!”


Although Youp participates hard in the public slaughter of Matthijs, he concludes his column with a sneer at all opinion makers and columnists who, according to him, are very eager to seize the DWDD riot.

He congratulates ‘the Angelas and all the other columnists’ for having ‘a new fat bone that they can all chew on for months!’ “Heartily!”
