Young with mature: the age difference is no longer a taboo subject

There are more and more examples in show business of young people who are attracted to older women, and who, far from “touch and go” and “chongueo”, decide to get together. Although unions between people of different ages are not something new, today they are much more visible, the subject seems not to be so taboo anymore. This is how it was seen in the new Telefe reality show, “The Challenge”when one of the participants, the renowned 23-year-old Argentine streamer ok appothe actress was told Claudia Albertariowho is 43: 20 years older than him.

Appo confessed to Albertario that he thought she was “the cutest” out of the entire group of contestants. Albertario, touched, proposed: “Can I give you a kiss?”, and the stremer said yes. “I felt the need to make it clear to her that she was the prettiest of the group. I don’t know why, without any intention”, said Oky Appo, in front of the camera backstage. “I’m surprised because she’s a kid… And I say, wow, with all the girls who like me…,” Albertario commented on the twenty-year-old’s statement.

The kiss between Okky Appo and Claudia Albertario.

Another resonant case is that of the rapper rusherking22 years old, who since May 2022 has been in a relationship with the actress Eugenia “China” Suarez, of 30. Once upon a time, China knew how to be in love with Benjamin Vicuna38, with whom he began dating in 2016 when he was 24, after the controversial separation of the Chilean actor with Pampita. But now, Suárez is dating the rapper, to whom she dedicated a sweet Valentine’s post: “I was not going to make any posts for Valentine’s Day, but I looked for you so much that I am not going to miss any opportunity to remind you of what What do you mean to me. Today once again you showed me what you are made of, your values, you are pure love. I love you Thomas,” wrote the actress. For her part, the urban musician dedicated to her, at the end of September, a love song that she recorded with Mariano Castroband leader Dread Mar I. The song is titled “Perfect”, and its video clip has China as the protagonist.

China Suarez and Rusherking
China Suárez with Rusherking.

There are even rumors that the influencer santi maratea would be on the list of young people who date older women, nothing less than the model and businesswoman Guillermina Valdesformer partner of Marcelo Tinelli. The panelist of “Intruders” (America) Maite Penoñori claimed that they both spent Valentine’s Day together, and later the show THE M (America) released photos where they were seen together. Regarding the rumors, Valdés clarified that Maratea and she are “friends, re friends”, but according to the LAM panelist Yanina Latorre, there is “something weird” in this matter. “I’m going to have a coffee with him (for Maratea). I don’t know if it’s romance, but I think Maite (Peñoñori) is not so wrong, ”she slipped the blonde.

Santi Maratea and Guillermina Valdes
Capture of LAM (Intruders) with images of Maratea and Valdés.

“We are facing another paradigm about relationships in general. There is a context of change that is generating new subjectivities and ways of thinking about relationships, and of venturing into them as a way of carrying out, openly, what one wants. The relationships of men with larger women fall within this opening”, says the specialist. On the topic of the young upstart looking to be supported or the cliché of a child looking for a mother in his partner, Ghedin is skeptical.

He considers that the first is a social prejudice that has been carried over for several generations, and the second is a misinterpretation of psychoanalytic theory. “It is a very light premise, sustained by a misunderstood psychoanalytic conception. But it’s part of how psychoanalysis got mainstream and popular. Breaking with this archetype, I think it is based more on a question of freedom, of breaking with social stereotypes, and if a man he likes to bond with an older womanWell, fantastic.”

Likewise, the specialist grants a special role to the social networks in this change. “Networks show a more sexualized world with respect to ties, genders, different types of practices. And this type of relationship also comes into play. The time it takes to change these stereotypes is slow, not so fast. Although lately the influence of the networks has helped in this, because of how it makes visible and “viralizes” new conceptions of love and sexual-affective ties”, concludes the psychologist.

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