Young trees in Blijham are plagued by drought: thousands of liters of water are used every week

The hundreds of young trees in Blijham are plagued by the drought. Thousands of liters of water are therefore used every week to keep them healthy.

“Unfortunately, a small number of trees died,” says Frits Korvemaker. “Fortunately most of them are still there.”

Arboretum in village center

As a consultant, Korvemaker is closely involved in the tree project of the Village Council in Blijham. An arboretum will be created in the center. A park with trees that grew millions of years ago in this part of the world. There is now a tree route through the village.

The trees should make Blijham look more beautiful, but the Village Council hopes that they will also attract tourists. At the moment, however, all those trunks are still rather ‘shaky’ in the ground, says Korvemaker. ,,The roots are not yet well established, are not well anchored. They still get little groundwater, especially with this drought. Leaves went limp and that’s why they called in an entrepreneur.” He pours 5000 to 10,000 liters of water over the trees every week.
