Young status holders received in the center of Norg

Up to seven young status holders, aged 15 to 21, will soon be taken care of at Zandvoort in Norg. Residents were informed this week by letter or in person.

The status holders (refugees with a residence permit) are accommodated in a farm in the heart of Norg, adjacent to the parking lot of the PLUS supermarket. The municipality of Noordenveld must provide accommodation for ninety status holders by the government this year. Earlier this year, the municipality announced that it wanted to house status holders in the Noorderkroon in Roden. That plan causes quite a stir in Roden.

“These young people have already gone through a whole procedure and are allowed to stay in the Netherlands to work on their future,” outlines Alderman Alex Wekema (PvdA/GroenLinks). “When they’re between the ages of 18 and 21, they’re going to look for another location where they can build a future.”

The young people are working or going to school, says Wekema. “So they have a daytime activity and are under the guardianship of the Nidos foundation.” This foundation applies for guardianship for underage asylum seekers who come to the Netherlands.

It was the Nidos foundation that approached the municipality of Noordenveld with the location on the Zandvoort in Norg. According to alderman Wekema, the central location offers opportunities. “Young people can easily go to work or school from the nearby bus station by public transport.”

In addition, efforts are being made to bring the young people into contact with sports clubs and entrepreneurs, so that they may be able to join a club or get a job in the village.

According to Wekema, some local residents are ‘shocked’ about the arrival of the status holders. “But if they are explained the situation, some will understand the situation again.”

The alderman already foresees the question of why status holders are housed in times of housing shortage while other young people cannot find work. “That is also a task that we have as a municipality. comes and stays.”

According to Wekema, the status holders who now come to live in Norg have ‘no priority’. “But this request came our way. That is why we are cooperating with this temporary solution.”

It is not yet clear when the status holders will move into the farm in Norg. An information meeting will first take place in De Brinkhof next Tuesday.
