Young rent bonus, as and when it is possible to request it

bGood news for those who have used the rent bonus. She was measure reconfirmed designed to support the under 31 in house expenses greatly increased and become really a serious problem a due to rising prices and high living costs.

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What is the youth rental bonus

Specifically, it is about a deduction equal to 20 percent of the rental costs for the first four years of validity of the contract, for a maximum amount of 2,000 euros per year.

In fact, the facilitation does not provide any discount on the rent paid monthly, nor any disbursement of sums of money in favor of the beneficiaries.

In practice, facilitation will be paid in the form of an IRPEF deductionwhich can be used through the tax return as a “discount” of the taxes to be paid each year.

The measure designed to support the under 31s in house expenses has been reconfirmed (Getty Images)

The necessary requirements

The recipients of the rental bonus are people aged between 20 and 31 years old with a total income not exceeding 15,493.71 euros.

In addition to the age limit, to obtain the rental bonus, you must also meet other requirements: such as a lease agreement for the entire real estate unit or for a part of it, which becomes the main residence where the residence must be moved.

Also, you need to pay an annual rent of no less than 991.60 euros.

Certain properties are excluded from the benefit belonging to specific cadastral categories: such as luxury properties, public residential housing and tourist accommodation.

And if the house is shared?

It often happens that for the first houses to rent, in order to divide the expenses, we try to share the accommodation. In this case the deduction is divided on the basis of the joint holders of the rental contract of the house.

In case the lease is stipulated by several tenants (lessees) and only one has the age requirements established by law, only the latter can benefit from the deduction in question for his quota.

Young rent bonus: how to apply

The request to be eligible for the bonus must be made to the Revenue Agency when submitting the tax return.

They will be indicated: the data of the property intended for residence, the relative information of the stipulated rental contract and the value of the annual income.

