Young people throw stones against the facade of a house at Schutwijk in Elim. Cars and facade are damaged

On Saturday evening, young people threw stones against a facade at the Schutwijk in Elim. The facade of the house and two cars in the driveway were damaged as a result.

Throwing the stones looks like a targeted action. The resident has filed a report of vandalism. According to the police, investigations show that four young men were involved in the vandalism.

Images captured by the owner’s security camera clearly show in the darkness of night four people walking up the driveway and making throwing movements towards the house and both cars. Apparently in order not to be recognized, one of the persons covered the face.

After the stones have been thrown, the foursome quickly flees. The damage to one of the cars in particular is considerable.

‘Have long been a target of threats, vandalism and even assault’

The victim of the incident has not been given much information about the incident during the police investigation. He and his family have been at odds with a nearby family for a long time and they say they are regular targets of threats, vandalism and even assault.

Police are looking for witnesses to this incident.
