Young people threaten the elderly woman (83) with a knife – but she doesn’t give out any money!

More violent children and youth - frequent knife attacks

A young man holds a knife in his hand (symbol photo) Photo: picture alliance / Zoonar | Elmar Gubisch

From BZ/dpa

They probably thought they could do it with Grandma. But the tough senior was not intimidated!

Two young people threatened several people in Potsdam with a knife on Friday evening and demanded money. First, they spoke to a 12-year-old boy and asked what time it was. One of the youths is said to have pulled out a knife and threatened the boy. The kid gave out his food and a small amount of cash.

Shortly thereafter, they tried again – this time with an 83-year-old. But the hooligans with the knives didn’t seem to make an impression on her. She refused to give them any money, after which the duo fled.

When the alarmed police forces reported the previously threatened 12-year-old, one of the suspects (16) ran down Zeppelinstraße again and was caught by the police. During the search, the police seized the knife.

According to the police, the 16-year-old was handed over to his legal guardians. According to the information, he is being investigated for serious extortion robbery. So far, the police have not been able to provide any information on the age of the second suspect.


Extortion arrest knife attack police Brandenburg
