Young people from Alkmaar want a ‘different sound’ in nightlife: “Then we’ll do it ourselves”

Alkmaarders Zilver Dirks (23), Veerle van de Laar (24), Kirsten Koning (24) and Shannah Telleman (23) think that the nightlife in Alkmaar could be a bit more creative. That is why they came up with the idea of ​​organizing ‘somewhat more alternative and cultural’ parties themselves under the name Cultuur Kartel.

“Every weekend we see that there is really only one thing to do in Alkmaar,” said Veerle. “There are about ten pubs, where the same people always come. This keeps us in the same bubble and we are not challenged to meet new people, as in big cities like Amsterdam.”

And that’s why ‘we had to do something ourselves’, says Veerle. “We put on inclusive, alternative parties with a cultural twist.” According to Veerle, people often see culture as something ‘floating and elitist’. “But culture is also: someone who puts down a good techno set.” At their parties, the women try to combine ‘typical going out’ with a cultural activity.

beer pong

“The first thing we organize is a beer pong party,” says Veerle. With beer pong you compete in teams by aiming a ping pong ball into plastic cups. The team that hits the most often wins.

“Everyone knows that from house parties, so it’s an accessible way to get to know others,” says Veerle. “In addition, a band performs and a DJ plays, while people can have their team logo painted on by a body-paint artist. .”

At the party, the teams can consist of people who know each other, but someone can also come to the party alone. “If that person wants to participate in the beer pong match, we just look for a team member for him or her,” says Veerle. “Nothing is necessary, and everything is allowed. You can also just come for the music without playing along.”

Different sound

She hopes that the parties ‘offer a different sound’ to young people, ‘from 18+ to about thirty’. “Or how young you feel,” Veerle says with a laugh. She also hopes that the parties will become inclusive because ‘we know the young people in Alkmaar reasonably well’. “We all have a completely different group of friends, so hopefully very different people will come to the parties.”

The women found inspiration for their concept at festivals such as Lowlands, Pinkpop and Thuishaven, but also at fun initiatives abroad. “All four of us love to travel. That often came up unconsciously during the brainstorming.”

The four initiators get a lot of energy from developing their idea, but sometimes it also costs them a lot, says Veerle. “Our organization is very young. We want to try things out and be innovative; just go,” she explains. “While, for example, funds don’t work like that. I understand that, because they also have to be accountable, but sometimes it is frustrating.” Nevertheless, the Alkmaarders keep their spirits up: “I am convinced that we will succeed!”

‘s first party Culture Cartel takes place on Friday 13 May.
