Young people are not allowed to swim without parents due to a lack of security guards

Not a shortage of lifeguards, but a shortage of security guards means that it is only possible to swim freely two afternoons a week in the Stappegoor swimming pool in Tilburg. At all other times, young people must take their parents to the pool because family swimming is still allowed.

It is precisely with these high temperatures that it is doubly acidic for young people who want to cool off in Tilburg. But there is a huge shortage of well-trained security personnel. That is why recreational swimming is only allowed in Stappegoor on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.

girls harassed
For several years now, in addition to lifeguards, there have also been security guards in the Stappegoor swimming pool. They were hired after several girls were harassed by boys in the water. After a number of incidents, it was decided to deploy security guards for recreational swimming. One per day, but two in warm weather and on holidays.

According to a spokesperson for the municipality of Tilburg, security guards were offered who did not meet the correct requirements due to a staff shortage. “They could not empathize with the group of young people who come to the swimming pool. That is why it was decided to limit the number of free swimming hours until there are enough qualified personnel.”

Summer vacation
The council cannot say how long it will take. “We are doing everything we can to have it resolved in the foreseeable future, because the summer vacation is coming soon,” said the spokesperson.
