Young people are fighting for a chill spot or pump track: “There is nothing to do in the neighborhood now”

The municipalities applaud it, but it often takes a long time before the green light is given to young people who take action themselves to create their own place in their neighbourhood. They know that in Heiloo, where young people compete for a sports and chill spot. But also in Broek op Langedijk, where young people want to have a pump track. “They are always meeting”, sighs initiator Roan (9).

9-year-old Roan now has to drive quite a bit to show his skills

The idea for a pump track, which is an asphalt track with all kinds of bumps and potholes, dates back to 2020. The young initiators decided to start a petition that has already been signed more than 400 times. The young people hope that the municipality will fulfill their wish. “You can make a lot of speed by pumping around the circuit,” says Pepijn. “You can also do all kinds of tricks that make for fun,” adds Roan.

And the great thing is that a pump track is for all ages. “You can use a scooter, a skateboard, a bicycle and even a wheelchair on the track,” says Pepijn. The 17-year-old Kees is also one of the initiators and according to him the pump track is certainly not childish. “It is important because you get young people moving. We want more than a playground where only small children play. This is also fun for our group of friends.”

Bullet through the church

But in order to realize such a thing, the young people have to have some patience. The alderman has already received the initiators and a financial plan has already been presented. Although the alderman is positive, the bullet is far from through the church.

“All in all it takes a lot of time, which is difficult to explain to the children”

Brenda Schmidt (mother of initiators)

“We are still waiting for a response from the municipality,” says Brenda Schmidt, one of the parents. “We still have to discuss whether the location is suitable, soil research has to be done and it is checked whether subsidies are available. There have also been new elections, which do not help and all in all that takes a lot of time. That is difficult. explain to the kids.”

The children also think that the construction of the pump track should be made in a hurry. NH Nieuws spoke to the young initiators on a field in Broek op Langedijk where now especially the dogs are having a lot of fun:

Young people are fighting for a chill spot or pump track: “There is nothing to do in the neighborhood now” – NH Nieuws

The Spot in Heiloo

Another good example of a youth participation project that takes quite some time is The Spot in Heiloo† According to Heiloose municipal councilors, the sports and chill spot will be built, but it is not certain when.

Youth worker Maarten van der Molen – who started the initiative two years ago – says that this is difficult for the young people involved in the project: “Because it is taking so long, it is difficult to estimate how many young people from the original group are still involved. .”

“I firmly believe in not designing for, but designing with the target group”

Maarten van der Molen (youth worker)

He tried to overcome this by making clear agreements in advance with the municipality. For example about the location, co-financing and management and maintenance. But because it was not entirely clear what the project should look like – that had to be done in consultation with the young people – it was only later revealed which studies had to be carried out.

Previously, reporter Tom Jurriaans made the following video about The Spot (text continues):

Young people design their own chill spot ‘The Spot’: “It will be very cool” – NH Nieuws

“This is a completely new way of working,” says Maarten. “Normally, the management rests with the civil service.” According to him, there is professional knowledge there, but it is less easy to determine what the needs of young people are. “The young people have enough plans, but less professional knowledge.”

Yet Maarten believes ‘sacredly’ in collaborations between municipalities and young people: “Not designing for, but with the target group. Moreover, it creates ownership: the young people are proud of the place and will do everything they can to keep it tidy.”

Both the initiators of the pumptrack in Dijk en Waard and that of The Spot in Heiloo hope that their plan will be implemented quickly. Maarten: “Then young people who have worked so hard for it can also enjoy it.”

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