Young man wrecks Porsche and two other cars

The Porsche drove into a parked car, damaging it and another vehicle

The Porsche drove into a parked car, damaging it and another vehicle Photo: spreepicture

From the BZ editorial team

A Porsche driver lost control of his vehicle while turning and hit a parked car, which pushed into another car. There was a high level of property damage.

The young driver was driving his Porsche 911 on Sterndamm in Treptow-Köpenick and was about to turn onto Stubenrauchstraße when he left the road and hit the rear of a parked Volkswagen Golf – apparently much too quickly.

The Golf was pushed onto the sidewalk by the impact and damaged another car

Because the Golf pushed two meters onto the sidewalk and finally into another parked vehicle, which was also damaged.

The Porsche turned and ended up facing the opposite direction of travel. Nobody was harmed during the accident. But there was a lot of property damage.

The Berlin fire brigade cleared the scene of the accident because the Porsche could no longer be started.


Berlin fire department Porsche accident
