Young leadership and business vision

Leaders are born, but also are made and built. Their skills are incorporated over time from the observation of other people’s experiences and capitalizing on their own. Leadership is, without a doubt, a concept that is widely covered in corporate literature and, to a greater or lesser extent, when directing a group of people, whatever the purpose of that group, the aim is to achieve that legitimacy that it confers on the group. a person the status of leader.

There are surely as many types of leadership for every book written on the subject. One of the main tasks of a business leader is not only to keep the team motivated through business opportunities and instances of constructive interaction, but also to get the members to believe in the project they are working on. For that you have to know how to listen, provide support and convey confidencepromote values ​​such as transparency, ethics and closeness with each member of the team.

It is interesting to reflect on the difference between leader and boss. The main characteristic that the leader has is that of being in charge of inspiring, motivating, ensuring that the company has prestige or that the group that one leads has it.

When it comes to being a young leader, as an inheritance from a father who also held that position, you make a mix of cultures. The younger generations have our greatest asset in being more used to collaborative work and doing things as a team. My experience in a team sport like rugby, from a very young age, left me very focused on group work.

The leader is not the one who stands out for being the most intelligent, the most capable, but for the one who can really understand, interpret and perceive the signs of the group. The intangible. What is not so easily seen. And in this way, align the purpose of all.

Without a doubt, that is the vision of leadership that I have as a young man and that I try to transmit to the team. In fact, it is important to keep symbolic issues in mind, such as, for example, we reformed the office to be on the floor where the largest number of people are. You have to be among them, to be one more and that there is not one more important than another. On the contrary, motivating that is the culture of leadership that must be promoted.

Also, once they told me that: “the good leader is the one who knows how to be ahead of everyone, guiding, motivating; behind everyone, pushing and being the engine; and, in the middle, getting involved knowing everyone”, that is something that I always stay very incorporated and I try to implement it in my day-to-day dynamics.

A good reference, in turn, supports the mission of the organization on a daily basis. The difference between being a leader, boss or simply an owner is in the ability to inspire the team so that it moves according to the purpose that that figure marks. At the same time, it keeps the group cohesive, listens to it, tries to understand its needs, while guiding it in the direction of the business, incorporating human capital as a factor of enormous importance. This makes talents feel part of the company and improves their commitment to it. Leadership is the factor that aligns, empowers and drives the members of a team.

young leadership

It must also be considered an agent of change. Before, the referents in the organizations generated dependency in the employees, Little was said about the team and they were given almost no tools for decision making. Currently, the aim is to provide them with tools to be autonomous in this aspect based on criteria based on organic work processes. The unifying matter there are the components of a culture that establishes many criteria for management.

So, being a change agent may sound trite but it is, without a doubt, a fundamental driver towards innovation that requires installing appropriate dynamics for each organization and business. On the other hand, when the generational gap of its members is wide, a great adaptation is required and a great deal of knowing with whom is shared, I would say, the greatest amount of time each day. Being a leader does not mean being the best at managing, or the strongest at doing something, in fact, its virtue lies in having the ability to inspire and motivate people, which leads them to optimize improvement environments.

Necessary promote transformations in the company, of its products and that the team fly high. My dream, for example, would be one day to arrive at the office and nobody notices. That day will be the evidence that the teams are focused, leading their daily task because they received the necessary tools for that performance to be. It is key to encourage creative participation with an innovative imprint. It is important to identify the areas where a different vision can be provided and integrate the team by promoting dialogue.

* CEO of CSH (Hospital Services Center)

by Tomas Piqueras

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