Young farmers put company ‘for sale’ to protest nitrogen policy

Ten Kate is honest when his ‘career switch’ is mentioned. “No, actually brokerage is not for me”, he laughs. At the same time, disappointment can be heard in his smile. Disappointment with the nitrogen regulations that he and many other farmers have to comply with. “And with these brokerage boards we try to indicate in a playful way how we think about the nitrogen letter that was launched last week. We try to find something with a serious wink.”

And with a brokerage comes a broker’s board. If it is up to Ten Kate, he will soon see them all over Drenthe at farms. “We currently have fifty and we will at least give them a nice visible spot. Think along busy highways or in village centers.”

A farmer’s wife from DAJK explains the brokerage action

To safeguard the future of his company, Ten Kate is also one of those present in Rogat on Wednesday morning, before going to Stroe with dozens of other tractor and car drivers to protest against the nitrogen policy. “There will be different speakers from different parties. And then we’ll see what the day brings us,” he looks ahead. “Will you hear from us again? I’m sure,” Ten Kate concludes.
