Young farmers are very concerned about the future: “Don’t let it end in a nightmare”

Emotions run high when three young farmers take the floor at the Agricultural Debate in Alkmaar. They are very worried about the future and want clarity. “Don’t talk about the farmers, talk to the farmers,” says Teun van der Kolk from Egmond.

The Agricultural Debate – Maarten Edelenbosch

“You may wonder why this boy still wants to become a farmer,” says 18-year-old Niels Druif from Midwoud. “Because I think it’s a fantastic life.” He paints the picture of a child who fell in love with farming at an early age. “I always liked being outside. Milking the cows with my father, driving the tractor while sitting on his lap.” He would love to take over the farm from generation to generation.

19-year-old Teun van der Kolk from Egmond cannot wish for a brighter future than that of a farmer. Together with his brother, he sees himself only too happy to take over his father’s flower bulb business.

Big challenges

But the new generation of farmers face major challenges with the current nitrogen measures. Which, according to the men, entails a lot of uncertainty. “The atmosphere at the kitchen table has been a lot less pleasant in recent months,” says Teun. Emotions are running high, he says. “My brother and I want to continue.” They are ready to build a future full of energy, but Teun says: “We have no bricks.”

“The Netherlands desperately needs us, the young farmers. I therefore hope that you will ensure that my greatest dream, and that of many others, does not end in a big nightmare”

Teun van der Kolk

According to Teun and Niels, there is a lack of clarity. “There is still a future, but we want certainty and clarity from the province,” says Niels, who would like to become climate neutral with his company in the future.” Amber Laan, chairman of the Hollands Agrarisch Jongeren Kontakt, also emphasizes this. “Make policy that This is especially important when it comes to investing, she says. “Not that I make an investment and have to invest in something else in five years.”

achievable objectives

Rather today than tomorrow, Teun will sit down with provincial members to look at achievable objectives with a clear and realistic timeline. Moreover, according to him, a good revenue model must be looked at. “We are innovative enough together. The best in the world.” According to Niels, it is especially important that the province offers the space to innovate. For example, when realizing a small windmill on land or solar panels on the roof.

Amber also emphasizes that it is important that the province plays a facilitating role in sustainability. “In addition, reward collaborations, for example between arable farmers and livestock farmers,” she adds.

Offer farmers a future, that is the plea of ​​all three. Teun: “The Netherlands desperately needs us, the young farmers. I therefore hope that you will ensure that my biggest dream, and that of many others, does not end in a big nightmare.”

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