Young bull rescued from ditch at petting zoo after long rescue operation

The fire brigade and the animal ambulance in Hoorn had their hands full last night with a young bull from petting zoo De Woid. The animal had ended up in the ditch and could not get out on its own.

Young bull rescued from ditch in Hoorn – NH News

“I’m watching television and hear a lot of blaring,” says a neighbor. She wonders at first if the sound is coming from the television, but then she hears it again. She goes to investigate and finds the bull in the ditch. “Of course he had to be rescued, so we called the animal ambulance and the fire brigade.”

“The ditch is full of duckweed, so he can’t see the difference between pasture and ditch”

Sandra van den Brink – children’s farm De Woid

“It was quite a fight to get the bull out,” she says. “He went from right to left and back and forth. The animal naturally felt hunted. Eventually he got tired and they were able to save the bull.”

The rescue in four photos

This morning the bull is standing quietly in the meadow at petting zoo De Woid. “He is a bit confused. Of course it was not warm last night. But he ate his food and seems otherwise healthy,” says manager Sandra van den Brink.

“Usually they hit this ‘stone’ once and it doesn’t happen a second time”

Sandra van den Brink – children’s farm De Woid

The bull has just been out this week. He has been at the petting zoo for a while, but it was always too cold to walk around in the meadow. “He was probably shocked by something. He is fairly new, may have felt cornered, and was looking for a way out. The ditch is full of duckweed, so he doesn’t see the difference between pasture and ditch.”

“Fortunately, there was an attentive neighbor,” says Sandra. She also praises the fire brigade and animal ambulance. She says it took them about two hours. “They acted super.”

And will he do it again? “Usually they hit this ‘stone’ once and it doesn’t happen a second time.”

The young bull is grazing quietly in the meadow again.

The bull is a bit dazed, but is otherwise doing fine – Kinderboerderij De Woid
