You repel the money (and you didn’t know it)

Most people unconsciously expel money from their lives, and to explain why, I will tell you something that happened to me recently in Buenos Aires:

“What are you saying? What do I have the twine as an enemy? Re crazy!” – Oscar answered me five minutes after meeting him at a dinner. He had resigned from a real estate agency to create his own. He was excited. My first question had been related to whether he saw himself winning million-dollar bids, to which he replied “Of course, that’s why I opened myself up, to make serious money.”

Then I told him “Look at that girl, her name is Guillermina, she is 29 years old and has more than 5 million dollars in the bank. Tell me the first thing that comes to mind about how she generated them.” Oscar raised his eyebrows and replied “5 million green? He did something stupid.” At that time I told him that it will be difficult for him to win millionaire bids while he thinks like this.

It turns out that Oscar had some uncles with a lot of money, and as a boy he always heard his parents speak ill of them. “Those kids must be dirty, otherwise, how do they make so much money?” That programmed Oscar on an unconscious level. Currently, Oscar does not want to be a “dirty” kid and look crooked in front of his father, so he will avoid making money at all costs.

All human beings have programmed beliefs and patterns that make up our identity and that can lead us to success or failure. If we don’t reprogram ourselves, we will be kidnapped by our unconscious and doomed to fail.

Ask yourself: Are you a friend of money? How was money talked about at home, in your childhood and adolescence? With love? Did it generate joy or discussions? What did your parents think of people with a lot of money?

How to make friends with money? With a letter. Write to him and tell him how you have talked about him, the prejudices you may have had and apologize if necessary. Reconcile, tell him that you want him in your life and promise to work hard so that he is with you in large quantities, always.

It is not enough to find out about sabotaging programs, you have to unlock them consciously and that is done with exercises that generate a vibration in the body. Let’s remember that we have to reprogram our unconscious mind and that only works by making it experience sensations and feelings; hence the letter. Only then can we befriend money and welcome it into our lives.

Contact information:


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E-mail: [email protected]

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