You pay the top prize for fuel, so you can last as long as possible with a tank | Zealand

Fuel prices are going through the roof and it’s really starting to hurt at the pump. Moreover, the end is not yet in sight. Leaving the car is the cheapest, but that is not an option for everyone. With these 10 tips you can last as long as possible with a full tank.

1. Make sure your tire pressure is right

Just as cycling with soft tires is heavier, driving with tires that are too soft costs more fuel. So make sure your tires have the right pressure. Usually the correct number of bars is in the fuel cap or in the door on the driver’s side.

2. Ride with as little weight as possible

The heavier the car, the more fuel you use. So make sure your car is as empty as possible and avoid using a roof box if possible; it increases the resistance. It is also advisable not to fill your tank completely. Suppose your tank has a volume of 50 liters, then it makes a big difference to only fill it halfway.


I leave the car parked more often because of the fuel price
