You must have it from your friends, four funny and playful actions

Groups of friends often enjoy making fun of each other. For example, Jac received six million beer caps in his driveway this week. Which eventually ended up for a good cause. A good reason to look at other fun promotions.

Six million beer caps
Jac turned seventy and his friends weren’t sure what to give as a present. Until the birthday boy himself came up with an idea. Beer caps for charity. Instead of an entire crate, a backpack or a large container, his friends thought: then we will do it well too. Much to the surprise of the birthday boy himself.

ALSO READ: Six million beer caps for Jac’s house: ‘Great, but more is always allowed!’

Caravan on the roof
A newlyweds didn’t know what hit them. They wanted to start renovating, so they must have often told friends, because when they came home after their wedding, Mark and Nathalie’s friends had been kind enough to lend a hand. A caravan on the roof already gives them some extra living space, they thought.

ALSO READ: Surprise for the newlyweds: extra living space on the roof

House of beer crates
A wedding seems to be an excellent reason to play a good joke on the newlyweds. Often those jokes remain very innocent, just like those of Marcel and Bianca’s group of friends in Someren-Heide. Their friends still had a few beer crates lying around. About 2000 or so, they fitted well with and around the house of Marcel and Bianca.

ALSO READ: Marcel and Bianca were getting married and so their house was packed with 2000 beer crates: ‘Kei-mooi!’

Garden with beer bottles
Whether the group of friends from Someren-Heide secretly copied the action of the Bavaria Beer Courier in Tilburg is unknown, but they fooled groom Peter well. When he returned home, his garden was full of empty beer bottles and beer crates. It therefore took a while before everything was cleaned up and the deposit was collected.

Nice gift for a wedding: the whole garden full of beer bottles
