You listen to them, a painful spectacle

I am ashamed and outraged because the show that the political class is giving around the issue of wiretapping is anything but edifying. have been released accusations without evidence that have found an echo in a weak and divided government, where some ministers ask for the resignation of other ministers while other ministers fight among themselves to shake off responsibilities, and a president suddenly remembers that his cell phone was also attacked a year ago and offers to declassify secret documents to try to save what still remains of his battered image without caring about the damage that this can do to the National Intelligence Center (CNI), once again a convenient scapegoat for the government’s every man for himself. Peter Sánchez now acts as José María Aznar in 2004, when he declassified confidential information from the CNI to try to cover up, without success, his unfortunate handling of the 11-M terrorist attack. To our shame, history repeats itself with other protagonists and with the CNI again at the feet of the horses.

Keep reading….
