You don’t hear them about sandwiches in Luilekkerland

If you weren’t so lazy now, I grumbled to myself, you’d just make a salad like all healthy people. And if you weren’t also a bit cold and didn’t feel like cold cucumbers and if I didn’t think of ‘salad’ today obsessively about lukewarm potato salad with parsley and spring onion, the smell of the olive oil is still a bit off Yes, I would be interested in that. But that’s too much. And too much hassle. And I would also like a sandwich in terms of bread – yes! Diana Henry’s delicious Mumbai toastie, who wants you to first make a relish of green pepper, mint, coriander, garlic and lemon juice, spread it on your sandwiches, then (lots of) cheese and tomato and thinly sliced ​​onion, cinnamon, cumin and something else I forgot about it, and fry it all in butter. Particularly recommendable. But some work. Also on the greasy side.

And I’m just standing here with intensely decent intentions cutting my whole-wheat sandwiches with the desire and expectation to get back to work soon. Most days I casually top it with peanut butter, sambal and cucumber and the other days with cheese and tomato. Sometimes with truffle mayonnaise.

Never really bores, so what do you have to complain about and if I can do something from myself once, I fry an egg, with cheese, and then I smear there – yes, now everyone who survived that peanut butter will turn away horribly for good – a mixture of tomato ketchup and sambal. That’s very nice. But hardly anyone knows or wants to know that. You can also stir the same mixture with a finely chopped spring onion into small pieces of fresh tomato, like a kind of pickle.

photo dlerick

I know that I now sound like I recommend a maggi cube in the stock, but I would indeed not disapprove of a maggi cube in the stock. As a flavor enhancer, not as a flavor overlord. Just like a spoonful of curry in the tomato sauce doesn’t make the whole sauce taste like curry, but just gives it a little more body, which you sometimes want. Not if everything should taste like summer tomato and lightness, basil and picking happiness, but if you want to give your sauce something rich and warm.

Well, advice that nobody wants.

Meanwhile, munching on that peanut butter sandwich (oh, how delicious! peanut butter made from just peanuts), I’m thinking about favorite sandwiches. How those are. Because if you eat bread just about every day, surely you will have a preference? Very different things now appear in my mind’s eye than those good brown boys with cheese.

If you eat bread almost every day, surely you will have a preference?

It soon turns out that in my mind I have secretly changed my delicious home-baked wholemeal sandwiches into a crispy piece of baguette with lightly salted, very good butter and French Gruyere. Or in a silly wool-white bun with an old-fashioned pulled pork croquette in between. Or I seem to have a preference for toasted ciabatta with – yes! Just stop it.

What would a modern sloth country actually look like? That wall of rice pudding and then roast geese that just fly into your mouth don’t seem up to date. You don’t hear them at all about sandwiches in Luilekkerland. There are pancakes. You can use a pancake for everything, and more, than a sandwich, even if a pancake with peanut butter, crab salad or ox sausage seems nasty.

Sandwiches are gone. “Lovely,” I sigh confidently. That was lazy, and delicious.
