‘You didn’t want to be in the Hazes documentary yourself!’

Sarah van Soelen, the penultimate fling of André Hazes Jr., gets a lot of negative reactions to her lament in gossip magazine Story. “You chose not to be in his documentary, didn’t you?!”

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Sarah van Soelen would actually get a very prominent role in the Videoland series by André Hazes Jr., but after their breakup she wanted nothing more to do with it. She made sure that her entire family would be removed from the series and she succeeded. As a result, the number of episodes had to be drastically reduced.

Sarah is angry

But what appears now? Sarah is offended because she is almost never mentioned in the series. “I hoped the documentary would make it clear why he didn’t want to continue with me. All he said about it was that he wanted to rest. And that he wanted to be alone,” she says in the latest Story.

What nonsense, Sarah continues. “After me he had Anne Rose, there has been another one and now he has another Sarah. I don’t think that much has come of being alone…”

no thanks

Sarah states that she is the one to whom André owed his place in a Spanish rehab last summer. She never got a thank you, she complains. “I’ve seen the Videoland documentary and then I hear that I only arranged those five days. That is not true. I also arranged that second period in the clinic.”

She continues: “I went after everything. I was able to delete things behind his back. First for a week, then for a month. And not once in the documentary is it said: ‘Thank you, Saar!’ Because I was the reason that he is now clean and comfortable in his own skin! And then you’re barely mentioned in the five episodes.”

Hard criticism

Sarah’s complaint leads to a lot of criticism in the response modules of RTL Boulevard and Shownieuws. “She didn’t want to be in a documentary, did she? So don’t complain that he hasn’t said anything about you,” says Pamela.

Margot: “She shouldn’t cry like that, she also lived off him. And was a heavy user himself. And how much does he have to thank her and her family?”

Cora: “Huh, she didn’t want to go in anymore, did she? Now that it turns out to be a success, it is of course very different ?‍?.”

And Nancy: “She wanted nothing to do with the documentary, did she? Then she should shut up now too.”

Sarah responds

What does Sarah think of that criticism? “That has nothing to do with the fact that I indicated in advance that I did not want to be in the picture. If he wanted to tell me something about me, he could. Because I knew that couldn’t be negative.”

“I was done with it, but the documentary makes me relive everything. For me it was real. And then when I look at those images, it seems like it wasn’t mutual. That hurts…”
