“You can’t find that love by searching”

Presenter and former Scandinavian Hunks Esko Eerikäinen was looking for love in the Somatätähtie single life series.

Esko Eerikäinen has not found the love he was hoping for, but he believes it will still come. Atte Kajova

Presenter Esko Eerikäinen, 48, was looking for love in the Sometähtie single life series, the last episodes of which were published yesterday. Now Eerikäinen comments on his own experience and situation on his Instagram account.

– You can’t find that love by looking for it, it just comes when it’s about to come, the host comments on his situation on the love front.

If you don’t see the embed, you can watch it from here.

In the last episodes of the series, Esko talks openly about how he met a nice celebrity woman, but nothing happened between them. The reason was that the woman in question wanted to spend a single summer after her divorce.

Although there is no partner or relationship at the moment, Esko is confident about the future. According to the publication, she believes she will find love when the time is right.

According to the host, participating in the program was a therapeutic and cleansing experience for which he is grateful. He is also happy with the feedback that the viewers have sent him.

– Thank you so much for all the feedback that has come, thanks Eerikäinen.

He has also received encouraging feedback for his publication, where the presenter’s followers hope Esko finds the right one. They also thank this for the open discussion in relationship matters.

– It comes when you least expect it. You should keep your eyes and, above all, your heart open. Thank you for being so honest and open.

– True. Love is not found by searching, it comes to come. You should have an open mind and heart.

– I hope love comes and surprises you greatly.

Esko Eerikäinen recalled his marriage to Martina Aitolehti in 2018.
