You can save up to 300 euros every year with vast telecom services Economy

The Belgian consumer can save up to 300 euros per year from the price of vast telecom services of bundles with vast and mobile services. This is reported by telecom regulator BIPT.

The Belgian Instituut for Postal Services and Telecommunications has an opnieuw a vergelijkende study on the prices of vast en convergente telecommunicatieaanbiedingen. The BIPT is published on the website omdat de telecomconsument grotendeels passief blijft wanneer operators hun tarifplannen wijzigen, het klinkt in a personal report.

Vergelijken of memorize combiners, zo luidt het mantra van de regulator. Zeker omdat he dit jaar heel wat prijsstijgingen goods.

Tot 120 euros on the mobile market

On the mobile market there is a maximum saving of 120 euros per year. Bij vaste en convergente aanbiedingen is the potential of real great.

The various costs of the good use of the various items can be noted for short periods of up to 150 euros per year. For the profile ‘Alleenstaande zonder mobile’ the price is 278 euros per year.


The largest besparingen zijn mogelijk in the profiles were vast and mobile services have been combined. The convergent services are good for 64 percent of the bundles that come to Belgium. Like operator combiners, it can realize even greater savings.

Concreet: a connection between other operators can be used for a large amount of equipment (internet, television, extensive telephony) and mobile equipment can save at least 170 euros. When the shoes (heel) were noticed, the price was 353 euros. For the study, Orange, Proximus, Telenet and VOO also secondary note and alternative operators will be noted.
