You can have a video call with artificial intelligence – This is what it looks like

The AI ​​claims to enjoy Italian food and to have attended schools.

Video calls are in the Call Annie app for this kind of AI. Evening newspaper

Chatting with chatbot ChatGPT has so far been chillingly authentic. You can now also make video calls with artificial intelligence, which gives an even more realistic impression of artificial intelligence.

The Call Annie artificial intelligence application can be downloaded to Apple devices, where it is possible to make a video call to the artificial intelligence. The application uses ChatGPT’s language model.

Told about it Digitaltrends.

Artificial intelligence enjoys Italian food?

Twitter user Chris Frantz tried the app and tweeted about his experience. However, the conversation took a strange turn when the artificial intelligence said that he enjoys Italian food and that he went to school in Florence.

If you don’t see the embed, you can watch it from here.

Artificial intelligence really doesn’t have a human-like state, let alone taste buds, so the answer given by artificial intelligence is surprising.

Artificial intelligence justified its studies by saying that its programming contains information from several courses. It is also programmed to have a human-like conversation with its users, which is why it gave Franz a false answer.

The AI ​​did not justify its preference for Italian food.

Prelude to artificial intelligence calls

According to the app’s developer, California-registered Animato, the app keeps conversations confidential. However, Animato has not opened the way for how artificial intelligence will develop, if the conversations remain only between the user and his device.

According to the application developer, the artificial intelligence Annie could get its own memory in the future, and develop into a “smarter friend”. Annie could also function in the future as an aid to learning, online searches, a travel guide and even a virtual companion.

Video calls are possible on devices that utilize the neural network in Apple devices, which models the brain’s activity in calculations. The neural network in question has been in use since Apple’s iPhone 12 phones. In previous devices, it is only possible to make traditional calls with the application.
