You are looking at the sky! An extremely rare phenomenon can be seen tonight

Since it is the second full moon in August, the term “blue moon” is used here.

The current full moon is an exceptional and rare sight, which is why it’s worth raising your eyes to the sky tonight.

It is the second full moon of August, which gives it the additional name “blue”. The name in itself is not related to the color of the moon in any way. The first full moon of August was the 1st. This was reported by the US Space Administration NASA.

A supermoon means that the moon is closest to the earth in its orbit at the time of the full moon and appears larger and brighter than normal.

The blue supermoon will still be visible next night, weather permitting. The full moon cycle continues on September 1. until, but in this case this has already moved to the next month.

The next blue supermoon is that of the US Broadcasting Corporation According to NPR seen in 2037.

You can easily check the weather for observing the supermoon with the IL Paras Sää application. The application can be downloaded for Apple and Android devices. For Android you can find it from here or for an Apple device from here.

You can also use the application on our website at

The next supermoon will not be visible until the next decade. PDO
