Yolanthe Cabau under heavy fire: ‘She exploits her son!’

Yolanthe Cabau is currently on holiday in Kenya with her son Xess Xava. She posts so many photos and videos that the show media is full of them. “She’s just exploiting him!”

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RTL Boulevard and Shownieuws can fill entire items with the deluge of photos and videos that Yolanthe Cabau sends from Kenya to her. socials places. Her son Xess Xava is very photogenic and all travel updates of the two are therefore viewed en masse. Are these innocent holiday snaps or is Yolanthe just scoring likes?

‘What is the point?!’

Story boss Guido den Aantrekker thinks the latter. “I’m still looking at it with some surprise and I’m quite used to this silly profession, but I think Yolanthe actually appears quite often with that guy on social media. You can really wonder what the point of that is,” he says in Show news.

Yolanthe can slow down a bit, Guido thinks. “He is a very nice kid, they are both photogenic and they do nice things, but sometimes I start to get a little annoyed – and not only with Yolanthe, but with many more celebrities – that she profiles herself so much on social media .”

Yolanthe under fire

The time Yolanthe wastes on social media, she can also spend on her son, he says. “I think: just go and read a book to your boy and just turn off the camera for once. What else do we care that he is there dancing with such an African tribe? Very nice, but I just wonder.”

Colleague Dyantha Brooks: “I think it’s very difficult. Myself as a mother: my greatest pride are my children and you really want to show them to everyone. You also know that the rest of the world probably doesn’t care at all, but you really want to show that yourself.”

‘It’s exploitation!’

Photographer William Rutten: “That is not true. It does interest people. It strikes me that if celebrities post a photo of their child, it gets ten thousand more likes than if a child is not on it.”

Guido then shouts that he thinks Yolanthe is exploiting her son. “That’s probably why she does it. I think it’s a kind of exploitation.”

Dyantha: “I do think that if you have a certain number of followers, you have to think about whether it is still okay, because of course your child does not choose that.”

William also thinks Yolanthe is going too far. “Everyone should know for themselves. I wouldn’t do it very quickly myself, no, but maybe she has good reasons for that.”

‘I would not do it’

Sports expert Chatilla van Grinsven: “I think her child is also in the acting business, so she also wants to give her child a certain marketing, profile in a certain way.”

Dyantha: “Is he in the business of acting?”

Chatilla: “I think he already has some roles going on for him. I don’t know. I understand her. She lives in LA I think?”

Guido: “Yes, but Chatilla, how old is that child. Five?!”


Some images of Yolanthe’s safari in Kenya:
