Yolanda Diaz | Yolanda Díaz claims “a living rural” with Sumar in Galicia

09/01/2022 at 16:11


The second vice president of the Government has proposed, to the areas with fewer inhabitants of the country, a “grand pact” and “a new social contract between the rural and the urban”

The second vice-president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, has returned to Galicia this Thursday to the second act of listening to the political platform that it promotes, Sumar, and has focused on the need to protect a “living rural”.

To add, as Díaz has said, wants to “demonstrate that you can live in a live rural & rdquor; Y that there can be “a rural with life” and, for this, it has wanted to give voice and listen to those who reside and take care of the interior environment of Galicia and also of the rest of the territory in what is known as the emptied Spain.

To these parts of the country with fewer inhabitants, Díaz has proposed a “great pact & rdquor; and “a new social contract between the rural and the urban” that allows changing the current production model and employment and future to all corners of the country.

To do this, Díaz and the Sumar team have traveled to the Sierra de O Courel (Lugo), one of the areas most affected by the fires this summer and declared a catastrophic area by the central government, with the aim of “Listen to the people who live here” and that has suffered from the fires and to those who in turn generate activity, work and that mean a real safeguard for the environment.

The vice-president has remarked that the care of the rural has been a “pending task & rdquor; of public administrations and on which this civic platform wants to focus, which wants to reverse the “rural abandonment & rdquor ;, which causes such devastating effects as the forest fires that have left the O Courel mountain range “completely devastated and burned & rdquor ;.

However, Yolanda Díaz believes that the policies that affect the rural world “They cannot be designed from the capital, but from here, with the people who make it possible”.

Under this premise, Díaz has given a voice to ecologists, forest engineers, local producers, neighbors and other people who have oriented their activity to the rural world, such as the filmmaker Óliver Laxe, who achieved international critical acclaim with his film “O que arde “.

After a route through the burned lands of the Sierra Lugo, supported by Galician leaders related to municipal tides such as the Compostela councilors Marta Lois and Branca Novoneyra, in addition to the leader of Podemos Galicia, Antón Gómez-Reino, the minister has addressed the assistants.
