Yogeshwar on fire in nuclear plant in Ukraine: No reason for ‘hysteria’

COLOGNE (dpa-AFX) – Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar also believes that concerns in Germany about a nuclear hazard after the fire in a Ukrainian nuclear power plant are unfounded. Although the events at the nuclear power plant near the city of Zaporizhia also raised concerns among the German population about a catastrophe like the one in Chernobyl in 1986, the science author said on Saturday in “Morgenecho” on WDR 5. The Russian military is not about destruction, with which Russia would harm itself, but about the takeover of the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. An autonomous system for measuring the radiation – “you can also call it up here” – shows normal values.

The power plant continues to run over one of four blocks. There is no reason for “hysteria,” Yogeshwar said. After the nuclear power plant was taken by Russian troops, a fire broke out on the site on Friday night. Both parties to the conflict and international experts had assured that no radioactivity had escaped from the fire, which was extinguished soon afterwards. Nevertheless, the incident fuels fears of a nuclear catastrophe as a result of the Russian war of aggression. The nuclear power plant is around 1,600 kilometers as the crow flies from Berlin.

Yogeshwar said the nuclear power plant is more modern and safer than the Chernobyl reactor. The problem is that the Ukraine covers more than half of its electricity from nuclear energy and at the same time “as an island” is not integrated into other networks, for example to neighboring Belarus. A critical situation could arise with the power supply./wa/DP/nas
