Yoga for children, benefits, exercises and positions

«Play, imagination, exploration. This is what yoga for children is all about because this is their method of knowing the world “, explains Alessia, yoga teacher for children (as well as Hatha and Vinyasa Flow, Yin Yoga and Pranayama for adults and Yoga in pregnancy) on the eve of World Yoga Day June 21st.

Obviously, the one aimed at them must be a tailor-made practice but that does not betray the philosophy of yoga. “Which is an exercise in letting go, suspending judgment and not having expectations: attitudes that naturally belong to the child”, he explains Alessia.

Yoga for children, together with the mother

But what can be done, then, by inviting a restless four-year-old to sit on a mat? What are the plausible goals? And at what age does it make sense to “try”? The advice of the expert, who has tried everything in preview with her children.

The upside-down dog position is also accessible to children (Getty Images)

“But I’m mom, and with mom it’s easier to get distracted,” she admits. “Those who see me only as the teacher are usually much more attentive.” The fact remains that any parent with a passion for yoga can try their hand at family practice (if desired, with the support of lesson of the “sound character” of FABA that Alessia collaborated to create).

Yoga and meditation: here are the benefits

Yoga and meditation: here are the benefits

What exercises and positions?

Between the ages of 3 and 5, yoga can help children focus and listen to themselves. But it must be “told” like a gamea journey in which, for example, farm animals take shape.

Cow, frog, lion, cat, camel and turtle. Animal positions are perfect for children.

A journey you can stumble upon a dog upside down, a cat that becomes a cow or a tree. Or in a plow, in a butterfly or in one turtlein a camel or in a Lionin a snake or in one frogor in a warrior (all yoga positions also accessible to children). Again, the little ones can “play” with the rag doll, standing up, with their hips still and their torso dangling)

Phrases stolen from fairy tales

Through phrases that can easily be stolen from a storybook, children are accompanied through enchanted woods and worlds populated by strange characters. And they can be invited to interpret them, a making animal noises or blowing out the candle (thus trying to breathe differently). It is essential to vary the scene often, but without haste.

Alessia with two little girls in the position of the snake

Learn silence and gratitude

In the relaxation phase, the teacher, who is above all a guide, lowers the tone of their voice and can invite them to retrace the various moments of the journey they have made. And, maybe, a to thank within oneself for the beautiful things they have. Helping them to bring the richness of their life into awareness is a great gift we can give them.

Mindfulness and meditation for children

Alone from the age of 6, yoga for children begins to approach the practice of adults, with a more structured physical work component. But at that point it is the moment of relaxation the most difficult to manage: qhe of conscious silence is a territory in which children are unlikely to be at that age, very different from the forced silence taught in school. Yet it can be an exceptional opportunity to stop and, in a certain sense, “meditate”: a kind of mindfulness for children, through which they learn to listen to themselves. And to be grateful.

The benefits of yoga for children, physical and mental

The benefits of yoga for children are physical: with constant practice they improve flexibility, strength, coordination, posture and balance. All skills that the body remembers. From the point of view mental, emotional and energetic, yoga helps first of all to become aware of emotions, and is a great challenge for children. And then he teaches stay in the present time, to concentrate and to accept yourself. There is no competition, expression is free. And when children express themselves, fun is guaranteed even for adults.

