Yoav is doing circus training: ‘We are starting our own show together with my brother’

In Zoetermeers Wilhelmina Park, Yoav takes five cones from his backpack and starts juggling in the middle of the lawn. He has autumn holidays, so he doesn’t have to go to school for a week where he is taking circus training.

Yoav Shemesh (19) is from Australia and is in the Netherlands for his circus training. He currently lives in the nearby village of Moerkapelle, but will soon move to Rotterdam to be closer to his school.

Practice, practice and practice again

Yoav has just come from the Ekoplaza supermarket in the Dorpsstraat for a few groceries. In the Wilhelmina Park he easily throws three cones into the air and then uses all kinds of tricks to keep them high for a while. But he can also do it with five cones. “It just takes a lot of practice.”

Circus schools in Europe

Yoav wants to become a professional juggler, so he chose circus training. “Compared to Australia, there are mainly good schools in Europe. Codarts in Rotterdam is a good course where I learn acrobatics and manipulations in addition to juggling. You use different objects to mislead people.”

Read more below the photo>

Yoav practices juggling. Photo: in the Zoetermeer neighborhood

Together with his brother

Yoav’s brother is just as crazy about juggling as he is. “At home in Australia, we have been doing tricks, tricks and juggling from an early age. My brother is also training in circus, but in Australia. Our dream is to give shows together. Not in a circus, but on tour with its own program, at various events all over the world.”

For Yoav, juggling means magic. “I love surprising and entertaining people with my tricks.”

Back home for Christmas

He loves his studies, but he is secretly looking forward to the Christmas holidays: “I hope I can get back home for Christmas. I miss my family and brother in Australia very much. I look forward to practicing juggling with him.”

Who is the next Zoetermeer of the week?

Do you also have a special story? Or do you know a Zoetermeer resident who we really should interview? Let us know via [email protected]. These Zoetermeer residents preceded you:

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