Ymere CEO: ‘unorthodox measures’ necessary against explosions

Erik Gerritsen, chairman of the board of directors of housing association Ymere, wants to think with other housing associations about ways to stop the large number of explosions in Amsterdam. He even speaks on Twitter of ‘unorthodox measures’.

Gerritsen responds to a message from VVD faction leader Claire Martens. She calls the increase in the number of explosions worrying and believes that too little attention is paid to it in the Stopera.

“I would start with a round table discussion with all stakeholders, including housing associations, to brainstorm about unorthodox measures,” writes the chairman of Ymere. “Because this is indeed getting out of control financially and is unsafe for our tenants. I am happy to help organize it.”

“This is getting out of control financially and is unsafe for our tenants”

Erik Gerritsen – Ymere

Martens tells Gerritsen that she thinks it is a good idea. She therefore sent him a private message. She also says she will continue to put the subject on the agenda together with PvdA councilor Fatihya Abdi.

Last night and last night there were even four explosions. Heavy fireworks are regularly used and homes are sometimes targeted several times. The municipality uses camera surveillance in some cases, but the police rarely succeed in arresting suspects.

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