Yle’s Suomineidot series infuriates the social media

In the documentary series Meri MAP, blue-black movement is involved. Bastella Media Oy / Yle

Yle’s Suomineidot documentary series was published on March 21, Anti-Racism Day. Many find the release date and the release of the entire series very thoughtless.

On the TV screen, the woman presents her shirt, which reads “White Lives Matters” on the front.

– I wear this shirt because white lives matter. This is a counterbalance to the leaven from the Yankees in an attempt to eradicate us whites from existence, Sea describes and compares the situation of whites with the discrimination experienced by blacks and the movement against it.

Such a scene is seen in Yle’s new documentary series Suomineidot.

The Finnish virgins immediately made a fuss. Of the protagonists, the text of Mer’s second shirt confused many on social media after Yle had published both an image showing the text of the shirt and an image from which the text had been processed.

Elisaveta Siira, Meri MAP and Jasmina Ollikainen are at the center of the series. Bastella Media Oy / Yle

The release time is confusing

Only the shirt and its image processing have not been considered problematic among the Finnish people. The novelty series has sparked a lot of discussion anyway.

Among other things, comedian Iikka Kivi, who is active on social media, tells how she has previously conceived sketches about “archaic sats”.

– It was a lifestyle program that sympathetically follows the Nazi daily routine and the difficulties he faces when others do not accept his difference.

– In the end, the working group thought it was too underlining as a satire and the idea was rejected. And now Yle really did such a program, Kivi writes.

The release of the stone has sparked debate.

– Yle then decided to take a stand on racism in this way, ie by publishing the first episode on International Anti-Racism Day on 21 March. At the same time, it showed the middle finger to those who experience racism in Finland on a daily basis. I sent feedback to Yle yesterday and got the answer that it was a coincidence and now they would consider the timing of the show better, one commented.

– Yes’s investment in anti-racism week software is real outside of the box feast of thought, the comments amaze.

– When the National Socialist reads on the chest and is still supported by the black sun, how unclear can it be? Nolo Moga, Yle, Kivi’s comment field is written.

“Yes, I’m a Nazi”

Many have also pointed out that in one episode, Meri actually says he is a Nazi. In the fourth episode, Meri says that by today’s definition, a Nazi is one who wants his own country for his own people.

– By definition, yes, I am a Nazi, Meri says in the last words of the documentary.

Also a writer and publisher Antti Arnkil has participated in the Twitter discussion.

The release date of the document has also spoken on Twitter. Also, why the entire document has been published raises more questions than answers.

So, why has Yle included the series in its software?

Ylen Mårtenson told Iltalehti on Monday that nationalism and related phenomena have long been topical issues.

– We strive to increase our understanding of each other and the world – that is, why different people think differently. It is therefore justified that we also address nationalism in Yle’s programs. There are many people in Finland who are dissatisfied with the development of society. That fact will not disappear even if we close our eyes to it. Suomineidot is one aspect of how nationalism manifests itself in Finland, Mårtenson wrote in his e-mail reply.

On Twitter, many also marveled at the marketing of the series, as the same marketing image of the series has been published in two different versions. The second image shows the text of a t-shirt that reads “National Socialist”. In another image, the text is removed from the t-shirt.

National Socialism, or Nazism, is an ideology cultivated by Adolf Hitler and his comrades from 1935 to 1945, which includes, among other things, the persecution of Jews during World War II and racism. Later National Socialist groups have generally been referred to as neo-Nazism.

Above was the rationale for the customized ad image.

– Different platforms and channels may require different images, so two different versions were made. Both versions have been available from Yle’s systems, Yle’s producer Isa Mårtenson told Iltalehti.

Members of the Blue and Black Movement participated in the 188 Flower Flow event in Turku in the summer of 2021. Bastella Media Oy / Yle
