Yevgeny Plushenko abandoned, Eteri Tutberidze coaches

European champion Aljona Kostornaja will return to the team of the coach, although she will share the gruesome experiences of previous cooperation.

Aljona Kostornaja will change coach. AOP

European Figure Skating Champion Aljona Kostornaja18, leaves Vladimir Putin -intelligent Olympic winner Yevgeny Plushenko coaching.

He’ll be back Ether Etherberidzen to the stable. The reason is interesting.

– In the past, all my coaches were women. I don’t consider a man an authority. When I work with a woman, I rely on the coach’s experience and knowledge, I was not patriarched, Kostornaja said Championatin podcast According to

– I have worked with strong and independent women who have achieved everything. I also want to be independent.

The avenger left Tutberidze’s group in the past are banging. He was tired of constant criticism.

– It was a really big scandal. I said I was leaving because I was nagging all the time. I was tired of it. I wanted a normal attitude towards myself as an athlete. Or at least not complete humiliation in front of the whole group.

Aljona Kostornaja is the European champion. AOP

According to Kostornaja, he was laughed at and manipulated to ruin the chances of the whole group. When the athlete requested a change, no options were given.

According to Tutberidze, the treatment had to be sustained.

– I was hurt that I was valued so little.

Despite everything, Kostornaja’s mother and the Russian Figure Skating Association were against the group exchange. Tutberidze finally gave permission to leave.

– My mother kept me at home without exercise or skating to change my mind, Kostornaja says.

Criticized coach

Eteri Tutberidze’s coaching methods have been criticized. AOP

Tutberidze rose to headlines during the Beijing Winter Olympics as his coach Kamila Valijevan the doping cart came to light.

Valijeva was allowed to continue in the race, but failed in her free program. After that, Tutberidze managed to find out from his 15-year-old shelter why he gave up.

Tutberidze’s coaches have won numerous medals. At the same time, the methods of the 47-year-old coach have been widely criticized.

In 2020, Kostornaja won the European Championships in solo skating. He also has Russian silver and bronze.


Yevgeny Plushenko is a strong supporter of Putin. AOP

Plushenko, 39, won Olympic gold, three world championships and seven European Championship golds in his career.

The ex-athlete has been one of Putin’s strongest supporters despite the war in Ukraine. The Olympic winner has deplored boycotts of Russian athletes on social media.

– I’m proud to be Russian! Stop racism, stop genocide, stop fascism, Plushenko wrote.

Plushenko was in the midst of a recent riot after a propaganda figure skating show in Russia.

According to Russian media, the show featured z-symbols that have become a way to express support for the Russian war in Ukraine. Regional leader of the United Russia Nikolai Vorobyov spoke before the skating event.

Olympic visitor Yevgeny Semenko crashed badly on the show. According to Russian media, the ice at the competition venue was in poor condition and the performance area was too narrow.
