Yesterday the film about a world without the Beatles tonight on Canale 5, plot cast

Yesterday is the 2019 film directed by Danny Boyle, written by Richard Curtis based on a story by Jack Barth. The English film is on tonight, Tuesday 30 May 2023, on Canale 5 and streaming on Mediaset Infinity.

As you can guess from the title, which refers to a very famous song by the band, the Beatles are a central part of the film. In fact, Yesterday imagines a world in which everyone has forgotten the Beatles except for the protagonist who thus reproposes their songs to the world. At that point the music of the Beatles revisited by the main character becomes the protagonist of the film like a 90-minute karaoke.

Jack Malik is a young singer-songwriter who dreams of glory and will try to achieve it by exploiting the work of others but above all by demonstrating how important the strength of a passion is.
