“Yesterday Spain met a Feijóo that it might not have known”


09/27/2023 at 09:43


The Madrid leader considers any future rapprochement with the socialists lost: “The base of the PSOE has leaned towards Podemos”

The first session of the investiture debate of Alberto Núñez Feijóo has served to make the popular people feel recognized in their leader, who this Monday was applauded for both his speech and the responses to the different parties that intervened yesterday in Congress. And the first who wanted to come out this Tuesday, before the vote that will take place around noon, to publicly embrace her leader was the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who showed her support in the manner and in the background: “Yesterday Spain met a Feijoo that it may not have known in part.”

She herself acknowledged in an interview on Esradio first thing in the morning that Feijóo “has not had it easy” and he later recalled that in the same Congress rostrum his name came up (it was done by the socialist Óscar Puente and also by the ERC spokesperson, Gabriel Rufián) because the opposition, he says, is determined to confront him with its leader. But the president insists that she doesn’t care what they say because “reality will prevail” and she made an effort at the beginning of the interview to applaud her leader without fissures. “Everything around him (Feijóo) has been so difficult and he has been questioned so much, that yesterday those who do not want Spain to be stolen from us through the back door found that voice and alternative.” “Time was needed,” after Feijóo became president of the PP with “great temper and maturity” to see the results and believes that in this debate, although the results do not agree, they have been seen.

Ayuso has also defended that when at the start of the course she spoke of “inexperience“She did not want to refer to Feijóo. The Madrid leader insists that she said it because “the world has changed and we have not even realized it, they are trying to put us in a change of cycle after 45 years of unity (since the transition) in the discrepancy to write another book” and that is what she wanted to highlight. “The base of the PSOE has leaned towards Podemos,” says the president, who thus considers any future rapprochement with the socialists lost.
