Yesterday: plot, the Beatles, Ed Sheeran and Lily James

TOappointment tonight on Canale 5 at 21.20 with Yesterdayromantic and surreal comedy that mixes pop music and love. on notes of the legendary Beatles develop throughout the film which, assuming a temporal short circuit, it sucks the viewer into a parallel reality in which the Liverpool band never existed.

The protagonistmusician and lover of the fab four, he suddenly finds himself the only one in the world who knows their songs. His success is stratospheric. But love, the real one for his lifelong friend, leads him to give up on success. With Himesh Patel and Ed Sheeran who plays himself. Fun movie and dream.

Yesterday: the plot

The main character is Jack Malik (Himesh patel), talented songwriter but fails to emerge. The only one who really believes in him is Ellie (Lilly James)his manager and childhood friend.

One night Jack is hit by a bus as a total and global blackout occurs. When the boy wakes up, he comes back to his life, meets old friends and sings Yesterdayone of his most beloved pieces. But he discovers that no one knows the song. Friends do not know who the Beatles, John Lennon and Paul McCartney are. Surprised, he starts searching the internet for news of the Liverpool band, but nothing, he discovers that there is no trace of the fab four on the web either. He understands that he is in a parallel reality in which the band was never formed (just as Coca Cola, Oasis and Harry Potter never existed).

Lily James and Himesh Patel. (Mediaset)

He decides to use the situation to his advantage by posing as his Beatles songs. It immediately collects acclaim, obviously likes the songs. Jack’s ascent begins: records a disc, is noticed and invited to open a concert in Moscow by Ed Sheeran. After the performance, the two challenge each other to a duel to figure out who is the better songwriter. Jack wins and is contacted by Ed Sheeran’s ruthless agent who hires him. Planetary success is obvious.

But love is stronger than success

Before leaving for a performance, Jack greets Ellie, but their meeting turns out to be special. She confesses to him that she has always been intimately in love with him. The two also spend a night together, but the next day, she leaves. She tells him that a fleeting story is not enough for her, she would like something else, but being close to him, now that she is a world star, would be impossible. So the two leave.

Lily James and Himesh Patel. (Mediaset)

Jack continues his incredible ascent. Ring one concert after another, showing off all songs by the Beatles. The crowd of fans grows dramatically. At a certain point, Jack manages to recover the address of John Lennon who, having not formed the Beatles, is still alive. Jack joins him and the dialogue with him changes everything. Lennon tells him that he has known, not success, but happiness, because beside him he has the woman he really loves. “Always reveal your feelings to the person you love and always tell them the truth,” Lennon tells Jack.

The troubled boy reflects on what he is doing. In crisis, he decides to change everything. At a concert, in front of millions of adoring fans, reveals that he is not the author of the songs that give him success and confesses his love for Ellie. «Maybe love is not all that is needed“, He says, “but it comes very close». Drop everything and join Elliehoping that she is still willing to love him.

Lily James, the slender blonde who transformed into the bombastic Pamela Anderson

Yesterdaymovie film directed by Danny Boyle had a strong response at the box officegrossing a total of almost $155 million (compared to a budget of approximately $26 million).

Over time, the actress emerged Lily James who, from slender and delicate blonde, has even transformed into Junoesque Pamela Anderson. She was in fact chosen as the protagonist of the series produced by Hulu Pam & Tommywhich last year staged Pamela Anderson’s turbulent and scandalous wedding to the drummer from Mötley Crue Tommy Lee lasted from 1995 to 1998.

