Yesim Candan is disappointed with Today Inside: ‘Never invited again’

Yesim Candan regrets that she never received an invitation to join Today Inside. “I’m not a witch or anything, am I?” said Ferry Doedens’ best friend.

© SBS 6

It was a bizarre King’s Day for Johan Derksen this year. He came under fire that day because of his infamous candle anecdote in Today Inside. During the king’s birthday, a grim atmosphere arose around the football connoisseur and his program. Some wanted SBS 6 to stop immediately.

‘Shut up!’

Where one celebrity after another distanced himself from Today Inside, Yesim Candan decided to join VI the evening after Johan’s candle anecdote. “I had written a column and no one dared to come by in the program. Well, I wanted to,” she says today in the AD.

The confrontation with Johan was tough, because he was immensely annoyed with her. At one point he shouted: “If you just shut up for a moment, I will finish the story and then you can fill the entire broadcast from me. May I finish my story?”

Not friendly

It was not a pleasant atmosphere, Yesim looks back. “It was anything but friendly. Apparently they are allowed to have an unvarnished opinion there, but others are not. So it doesn’t work like that?”

After the broadcast in question, Yesim held a kind of media tour to tell every medium how badly she was threatened by the viewers of VI. “Even with death. I have reported this. I found out what a huge following Derksen has,” she says now.

“I want to go back to VI!”

At the same time, Yesim also complains that she was “never invited again” to the program. She regrets that. “To continue the discussion. The Netherlands is precisely a country where this should be possible. I’m not a witch or anything, am I? Johan Derksen has a huge following. Whether he likes it or not, he is a role model for men, but also boys.”

She continues: “He should be more aware of that. VI should actually embrace the fact that there are also women without an unvarnished opinion. I really felt very much at home there, precisely because I am also someone without a filter.”
