Yemen warring parties agree to two-month ceasefire | Abroad

The warring parties in Yemen have agreed to a two-month ceasefire, UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, said. The ceasefire will go into effect on Saturday.

The agreement also means that ships carrying fuel will be allowed to return to the Houthi rebel-held Hodeidah port. It is also possible to fly to and from the airport of Sanaa, the largest city in Yemen.

“The belligerents have responded positively to a United Nations proposal for a two-month truce, effective tomorrow, April 2 at 7 p.m.,” Grundberg said. He added that the ceasefire “may be renewed with the agreement of the parties”.

Yemen has been in a war for seven years between Houthi rebels and the government. The Houthis receive support from Iran, while the government is aided by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, among others.

On Wednesday, there was already talk of a ceasefire in Yemen during the Islamic month of Ramadan. That period has now been extended to two months, and even longer if the parties so decide.
