Yelena Isinbayeva was completely beaten in Russia: “Has abandoned Russia”

Jelena Isinbayeva has moved to Tenerife.

Jelena Isinbayeva currently lives in Spain. EPA / AOP

Pole vaulting legend Jelena Isinbaeva’s whereabouts were revealed when the Spaniard El Digital Sur revealed that he and his family had moved to the Canary Islands, Tenerife.

On Tuesday, Isinbayeva published a message on her social media account in which she said that she has never been part of the Russian army. And that he has never been a member of the Duma or any party.

– My profession is sports, he wrote.

Isinbayeva was a member of the PutinTeam, which aimed to support Vladimir Putin’s presidential campaign in 2017. She also played a prominent role in the 2020 Constitutional Amendment Committee chaired by Putin.

In addition to that, in 2015 he signed a five-year contract with the Russian army and became a major at that time. The Russian media have also written about this in their own articles.

Isinbayeva stated that she is a citizen of the world and that she lives where she works.

Isinbayeva’s words have been met with dismay in Russia. Among other things Editor of Championat Mihail Chesalin criticized the Olympic champion in his column.

– It sounds rude, but the bottom line is clear: Isinbayeva has abandoned Russia.

– It is a great shame and a shame because he is very loved in our country.

Russian presenter Dmitry Guberniev also wondered at Isinbayeva’s words.

– He said he was only a nominal Russian army officer. I would like to hear from him a clarification of what “nominally” means. Was he a “nominal officer” who received nominal pay and nominal benefits? Or is this not true, Guberniev stated to the Sport24 website.

Chesalin also points out that Isinbayeva has received money and other benefits from CSKA Moscow, the Russian military club that Isinbayeva also represented.

– They are real. Isinbayeva does not mention these.

Yelena Isinbayeva is a well-known supporter of Vladimir Putin. EPA / AOP
