Yeboyah, who dropped out of TTK, about his unpleasant challenge in the race: “My mind was in many places”

Yeboyah and Valtteri Palin, who were eliminated from the Tanssii tähtein ken competition, commented on their feelings about the end of their match.

Dancing with the Stars – in the 11th episode of the program, a rapper was eliminated Yes27, and her star trainer Valtteri Palin25.

In the Disney-themed episode, the duo conquered the dance floor with the Paso Doblea dance. They were dressed Coco-to the characters of the film and danced Poco Loco -to the tune of the song.

The couple’s elimination shocked some of the live audience, and many even wondered aloud why the duo in question were eliminated. The dance couple tells Iltalehte what they themselves think about the end of their TTK stint.

– We would have had such a good plan for next week, but this is the spirit of the game and someone had to drop, Yeboyah laments.

– We have a really good trip and I am really proud, Palin adds.

Yeboyah and Valtteri Palin won’t be too upset about being eliminated from the TTK competition. Atte Kajova

The Paso Doble dance performance in the spirit of the movie Coco was not enough to bring the dance couple a further place. Atte Kajova

Yeboyah describes his TTK experience as magical, exciting and above all educational. However, even the magical journey has had its own challenges: the rapper has been particularly disturbed by the unpleasant situation in Palestine during the competition.

– The situation in the world is what it is and at the moment there is a really critical situation in Palestine. I’m a really empathetic person and I want to help, so it seemed really important to me. Because of that, my mind was in many places at the same time – that was the biggest challenge for me, Yeboyah describes.

Palin especially remembers TTK’s amazing collaboration with Yeboyah.

– For me, the most memorable moments were the moments right before the live broadcast: the last words we exchanged with each other stuck in my mind, Palin reflects.

The dancing couple also gave each other encouraging words before the broadcast: “We don’t give them what they want, but what they need”. Palin and Yeboyah became really close during the show. Finally, the two talk about how their friendship continues after the program.

– At least I’ve been invited by Valtteri’s mother’s wish to eat for them, so I thought I’d use this card, Yeboyah laughs.

The dance couple became very close during the TTK program. Atte Kajova
