Years of waiting for a playground in the chic new residential area of ​​Tudorpark Hoofddorp.

Joyce Hinderks moved in 2016 with her family from the Hoofddorp district of Floriande to a new house in the chic new residential area Tudorpark. She knew that the neighborhood was still developing, but that she had to wait years for essential facilities such as a children’s play area and containers for separated waste, that was quite disappointing to her.

Definitive play facility Tudorpark Hoofddorp – NHNieuws

“We knew we were going to pioneer, the process of designing a house ourselves and supervising the construction was a fantastic adventure,” says Joyce as she shows her spacious, modern home on the edge of Tudor Park. The house was built entirely to the wishes of the family, yet Joyce is not enthusiastic about the way in which the new-build location Tudorpark was developed. “They wanted to build units that were way too large, so the planning of facilities got in the way,” she says.

“When the play areas were finally set up, our children were actually too big to play in them”

Joyce Hinderks

“When we moved here in 2016, the eldest of our two daughters was six years old and you need a safe outdoor play area,” Joyce says. As long as the meadows were still accessible, the children could play there. But the more the terrain turned into a construction site, the more terrain was made inaccessible with fences.

New Tudorpark Hoofddorp residential area under construction – NHNieuws

There was no wiggle room left. After two years of consultation with the Ymere housing association, a plan was drawn up for a temporary, makeshift playground. “After a lot of territory and begging, Ymere was willing to invest 750 euros in temporary playground equipment and a fence, a pittance of course,” says Joyce.

Neighborhood initiative

Passionate neighborhood fathers tried to make something of the temporary playground. With pallets and tarpaulin that they got from contractors in the area, they built a hut and some climbing equipment. “And I myself have been digging car tires to dress it up a bit,” said Joyce.

makeshift playground in Tudorpark Hoofddorp – NH Nieuws

The maintenance of the provisional playground was also largely the responsibility of the residents. “Occasionally they mowed when we were very nagging at Ymere. But usually the grass was so high that the children were covered with ticks when they had played there.”

It took until the autumn of 2020 before real permanent playgrounds were set up. Joyce’s children had already outgrown the swing and seesaw.

Playground newly built Tudorpark Hoofddorp district – NHnieuws


The main cause of all problems is poor communication, according to Joyce. And she speaks on behalf of the residents of Bennebroekerweg. “We are regularly sent from pillar to post, the municipality actually does nothing for us while we pay enough tax,” said Joyce.

Many parties are involved in the construction of Tudor Park: Ymere, Dura Vermeer, the Municipality of Haarlemmermeer. They don’t know exactly who does what, says Joyce. In addition, responsibilities for maintenance and facilities have shifted from one party to another over the years, she says. This causes great uncertainty among residents, as nobody knows who is responsible for what anymore.
