Years of neighbor dispute in Opperdoes ended: judge agrees with landlord

To the great relief of the landlord, the subdistrict court has decided that the female couple must leave the rental house in Opperdoes within three weeks. The Subdistrict Court granted the claim because the tenants unlawfully caused nuisance to local residents. After eight years, the bullying, threats and name-calling finally come to an end.

In one year, 75 reports of nuisance were received about the couple. The neighborhood tried in vain for years to reach out, but after several attempts, the local residents were done and they thought the couple should leave Opperdoes.

The couple did not agree with this and, according to their own words, suffered a lot from the situation that had arisen, but the neighborhood thinks that the ladies are twisting things. “My children are afraid of the women and I find the cameras hanging there very unpleasant,” a resident told the court on July 13. “When you walk past the house you hear a lot of noise and clamor. They really have to get out of here.”

According to local residents, the immediate neighbor has had the hardest time in recent years. The neighbor is therefore very relieved with the final decision of the judge.

In the judgment of the subdistrict court it is summed up that various authorities, including social work, the social domain department of the municipality, the police, mental health care and the Safety House, have made an attempt to find a solution to the nuisance with the couple. This could not be continued time and again, because the couple did not cooperate with follow-up appointments.

The subdistrict court concluded in the judgment that the couple did not behave as good tenants and that is in violation of their obligations in the lease. It is not yet clear where the couple is headed.

Not for the first time

It is not the first time that the couple caused nuisance. Previous landlords in Lelystad and Nieuw-Vossemeer have experienced similar situations with the couple. “They also tried to pose as victims there,” said the landlord in Opperdoes. “History is now repeating itself for the umpteenth time.”

The landlord is relieved that the subdistrict court has decided that the couple must leave within three weeks.
